23 Mai 2010
Love is like a brick. You can build a house, or you can sink a dead body. L'amour est comme une brique. Vous pouvez construire une maison, ou vous...
19 Mai 2010
I am, perhaps a complicated person.+love seems to me,a complicated thing. But when I look at u, littlemonsters, its so simple. Love is easy. Je suis peut-être une personne...
16 Mai 2010
i've never been happier http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2ergGCUHZ0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcIEEdTiNak&feature=player_embedded Je n'ai jamais été plus heureuse http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2ergGCUHZ0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcIEEdTiNak&feature=player_embedded On May 30 I will be interviewed LIVE by the amazing Nick Knight on Showstudio....
13 Mai 2010
Taking a break today, in bed with mommy having glass of wine waiting for sis to get home. Just us italian girls running the house tonight Je fais une...
12 Mai 2010
Twitter + Berlin
Hier, Lady GaGa a répondu à l'un de ses interlocuteurs. Voici leurs échangent: AliJ_johnson est visiblement une artiste en mal de reconnaissance. Hier elle lance une bouteille à la...
11 Mai 2010
Kleine Monsters. Berlin is about to explode as the Monsterball begins. Open the cathedral + bang on your drums, tonight is for your freedom. Petits Monstres. Berlin est sur...
10 Mai 2010
#AlejandroIsUrDaddy is TRENDING? Little Monsters are crazy?! (me and redone laughing on floor of studio) U are so funny! Thank u we love u! #AlejandroEstTonPère est TENDANCE sur Twitter?...
09 Mai 2010
Thank you for all my mother's day wishes little monsters! You make me so happy, I am so blessed and grateful to have u in my life. I love...
08 Mai 2010
So proud of idol, and haus of gaga, editing alejandro, music in sweden, ciggys and champagne keep out the worries + the rain. Xmothermonster Si fière d'Idol, et de...
06 Mai 2010
Lady GaGa est remontée contre la chaîne Fox pour avoir coupé sa performance hier soir. http://bit.ly/apyBrH here's my full american idol performance ALEJANDRO. Fox chopped up my performance in...
06 Mai 2010
I'm performing ALEJANDRO tonight on #AmericanIdol! Tune in little monsters, Paws up! I dedicate this performance to u, u make me strong. X Je vais chanter "Alejandro" ce soir...