28 Juil 2011
Monsters: There are orphans that need our help. A tragic story that left them paralyzed www.showyourhearts.org or text BERRY to 85944. Les Monstres: Des orphelins ont besoin de notre...
25 Juil 2011
http://twitpic.com/5ve78p - You know you're dedicated to hooker-pop when your bruises and cuts are shaped like fishnets. http://twitpic.com/5ve78p - Tu sais que tu es dévouée à la pop de...
24 Juil 2011
Gaga vient tout juste de tweeter au sujet du décès de Amy Winehouse : Amy changed pop music forever, I remember knowing there was hope, and feeling not...
17 Juil 2011
@GreysonChance my little monster sweetheart+his new single UNFRIEND YOU is out youtu.be/3Rd-tfJRMLI. This video warms my heart, what a stud!x @GreysonChance mon petit monster chéri+son nouveau single UNFRIEND YOU...
17 Juil 2011
http://twitpic.com/5r9oef - Dear Karl Lagerfeld, your kindness and generosity are beyond magical. I will cherish this forever. X http://twitpic.com/5r9oef - Cher Karl Lagerfeld, votre gentillesse et générosité sont plus...
25 Juin 2011
A reincarnation of my birth+artistic spirit. In incubation, awaiting a human lover to save her. YUYI THE MERMAID: http://t.co/j6USJJe coming Une réincarnation de ma naissance+esprit artistique. En incubation, attendant...
17 Juin 2011
Clip The Edge of Glory
GaGa vient tout juste de poster un tweet à propos de la diffusion du clip ! Tomorrow during America's So You Think You Can Dance, I will premiere the...
08 Juin 2011
http://twitpic.com/58r3u4 - Scheiße, in Deutschland. Born This Way Pop Revolution. Deadly performance tomorrow on Top Model. http://twitpic.com/58r3u4 - Scheiße, en Allemagne. Révolution pop Born This Way. Performance Mortelle demain...
02 Juin 2011
Spent the last days scribbling in strange calligraphy, "thank you," over+over again on the walls. Wish I could hug all my fans at once. I♥U. Ai passé les derniers...
28 Mai 2011
I don't know what happened today, but I felt the earth stop while monsters turned Central Park into Woodstock. I'll never forget it. Thank u Je ne sais pas...
23 Mai 2011
Lady Gaga a beaucoup tweeté pour la sortie de BORN THIS WAY ! In 4hrs 15 minutes BORN THIS WAY will be released on Itunes: 12am ET /...
22 Mai 2011
Twitter et vidéo surprise
Lady Gaga a tweeté hier avant la diffusion du Saturday Night Live : To everyone watching TimberGagaSNL tonight, I have a GLORIOUS surprise! Watch the commercial breaks little monsters....